Update: Autographs, maybe?!

So, the autographs didn’t go as I planned in my head. I thought CrankGamePlays, OGchan, & Girbeagly were going to be in their separate room taking autographs and all that jazz and The Anime Man and Akidearest were going to be in their own room.


ALL OF THEM were together on stage. TOGETHER.

My sister and I just walked back into the main exhibit hall after sharing a dry pretzel that I didn’t get change back for. She wanted to hurry because she wanted to know if we could see all of them before the panel. I didn’t think we could because all of the wristbands sold out in 8 minutes but trying couldn’t hurt. I thought it was going to be easy to point out Ethan (CrankGamePlays) because he is a tall man child with blue hair. UM, WRONG AGAIN. Everyone and their cousin had blue hair.

But, I walked in the middle of the exhibit hall turned a little bit to my left, got on my tippy toes and I saw it. Blue hair. Not just any blue hair but THE hair. They were right there! All of them!

Okay, if you personally know me, I don’t really freak out or show any type of emotion to be honest but, I WAS FREAKING OUT. I WAS SHAKING, MY FACE WAS RED, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO CRY. I WAS ACTUALLY FULL ON FANGIRLING.

I stood in front of the stage just looking at people that I look up to. (And I was actually looking up to them. Because they were on stage. Ha. Moving on.) We were actually really close to them. I was trying to take pictures but then again I was in the middle of having a stroke so most of them turned out bad. I was kinda upset that we couldn’t get autographs because THEY WERE RIGHT THERE but I did get OGchan’s, The Anime Man’s, and Akidearest’s autograph later in the day SO, THAT MADE UP FOR THAT. (Oh, and Ethan said “Hi” to us twice. Probably the greatest 2 seconds of my live.)

There is actually a sad part to this story (I know. Finally something interesting.)

We could see people going up on stage and getting OGchan’s, Girbeagly’s, and CrankGamePlay’s autographs. They would hug G, then Bryan, and then they would scream and run to Ethan. It actually made me sad! Most of them were just there for Ethan! Don’t get me wrong, I knew about Ethan before I knew the rest of them but THAT IS JUST MEAN. Then before they left the stage, they could have a group picture with all of them. I have only seen one, ONE picture of all of them together on Twitter. Most people just cropped out G and Bryan so it was just a picture of them an Ethan. Like, UM NO??? RUDE. YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE A WRISTBAND. MY SISTER AND I SHOULD. (And G’s face. Oh my God. You could actually see that he was hurt. It made my heart hurt. But I hope that we made his day when we stopped him off stage to get his autograph and a picture. Even though I stepped on his shoe….what? I was nervous, okay?)


Staff Member: “Um, you know that we reuse those pens, right?”

Joey (with his Australian accent that I forgot he had): “Oh no, these are own pens.”



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